Friday, January 2, 2009

Good Ol' Days...

I love black and white photos. They have such a nostalgic presence. I love these pictures from the girls, they were taken years ago and still tug at my heart. I'm so gonna miss these times with my "little," children. Why, oh why do they have to grow up, I make me feel old! It is true what I've always said..."Kids keep you young," simply because they teach us to relish in the small and simple joys of life. After all, if a person can find joy in the cardboard box their Christmas toys came in, I do believe we should pay attention to their outlook on life.
These pictures where taken when the girls felt the urge to climb a tree and did it. How simple.

I remember those years of tree climbing, branch swinging, tree-house making (of sorts). Of my most favorite memories, it would have to be of great-grandma Bone. Being in her presence was similar to being in the presence of an angel. Her silver-white hair was silky and soft. She was always adorned in an apron with faint floral prints of yellow and blue. And her hugs were equally as sweet as the ice-cream she'd dish up from the deep freeze in her kitchen. Her remedy to life's problems was, work!

I loved the swimming hole behind her house, and the sweet, simplicity of her home. For some reason, when I think of her I want to cry...Oh my gosh, I am crying. I often wonder why the memories of her, tug at my heart so. We would visit now and again when I was a child, but never frequent enough for me. She's since passed,(when I was twelve) but I still feel her presence, especially when I reminisce and contemplate things of life and most often when I write.
Love ya, justmom


  1. We just finished chuckling over the Christmas newsletter! Did Sweden like her dolly? Her daddy certainly went to great lengths to grant her Christmas wish. What a hero. Three guards to escort him out?! LOL

  2. Well, it's funny you should ask. Actually, Grandma Clause came through at the last minute on Christmas Eve, with the Caucasian dolly. We're actually saving the African dolly for her birthday in March. Did you know that they actually catagorize the dolls according to race, i.e., African, Caucasian, Hispanic, on the Target website. I debated about whether or not to still give it to her, but knowing how well my children torment be about the "unfortunate," gifts they did or did not receive on Christmas's over the years, I errored on the side of caution. I still have that image of Wayne in my head getting the doll and being escorted to his car. That will always bring a laugh. :)
