Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas fun fun!!!

My most favorite memories of Christmas aren't just on that day, but of the family memories of all the projects leading up to Christmas Eve.  I love the time spent on the floor quilting with my girls, painting with my boys, or watching the creative mind at work as my girls place each bead gently on the wire as they make gifts for their friends and unsuspecting family members.  The giggles, the sighs, the look of contentment once a finished project is realized in all its glory.  Aaaah!  It's those cozy nights of licking the colored frosting off the spoon, smelling the sweet cocoa scent of chocolate chips from the oven, and just being together.  That is what I love about these moments in life...and Christmas best of all.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Already???

Can you believe it's here again so soon? That day of day's, much anticipated and prepared for... will soon be here and gone. I often think of ways in which I can keep that nostalgic feeling in my home. You know the one. Family, home, warmth, togetherness, laughter and all the good feelings of love and cherished memories. We decided this year would be different. Of course, all the aforementioned characteristics, but less of the green from my husbands back pocket. Besides the fact that we, like many of our friends are stone broke and have used our share of plastic over paper in years past. We have opted for homemade gifts for one another. Yes, a leap...of faith, frugality and fortitude. However, it looks to be one of those Christmases we'll not soon forget. I'll keep you posted on my portion of the gift making for my children. As for the rest of my family, depending on who drew whose name, will determine the length and width of their creativity or lack thereof. Who knows, maybe my kids will surprise me with their hidden gift making abilities. After all...if you can believe it and conceive can achieve it! Righteyoh!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Riding the wave...

Is it not funny how we often create that single set of circumstances that set in motion the outcome of which we complain, worry over and stress. We would do well to remember the benefits of "riding the wave." You know those times you walk on the shore, too afraid to get your feet wet...whatever the reason. We finally make the plunge into unknown waters. We're comforted by the fact that the lifeguard is visible to us, and there are others also in the water, who might aid us in the unfortunate event we lose our strength or travel too far from shore. We relish in the fun of the water, splashing, swimming and dodging those abundant foamy waves.

Every now and again we get thrown back with the surge of a wave and have to re-establish our stroke. We're doing well now and we have a system down. We feel confident in our abilities to handle what the "ocean" dishes out and occasionally we take a peek towards the shore. In the rush of the moment, we don't realize that we've traveled so far from shore, so far off course that we've put ourselves in grave danger...

We ask ourselves how is it possible to get back to shore, to safety... We pray. We try not to panic. Then we notice there is a wave, we swim towards it, hoping it will carry us closer to the safety of the shore. We catch one, however small, and drift a bit closer. Another, larger comes and ever closer we swim... With all our mights we use everything we have to swim closer to that safety that is the shore. We think, how is it that I drifted so far? We forget about the current, more treacherous than the wave and with an almost invisible strength, we never see it coming until it's too late.

We often create the circumstances that lead us to that inevitable prayer for help. That the Lord will save us from ourselves and our poor choices. But, do we listen? When He sends us that wave, do we say, it's too small and forgo the opportunity to get back?

Ride the wave, let it carry you safety!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yes, it's the weekend of all weekends...Mother's Day Weekend! Whoohoo! Of all things in this life I love more than anything, is being a Mother. It seems as a mother I tend to mutter things here and there. My day is filled with those choice things that flow from my mouth. Here is a small collection of those things I've "Muttered," over the years and through the weeks, month, & moments of life. Darling children...start the day, put it away, don't pick your nose, clean our your toes, wipe your face, find a place, set the table, do it if your able, pay your tithes, don't play with knives, go to bed if you tire, put out the fire, always play nice, please don't get lice. In all of these things the "Muttering," never seems to end. Is it any wonder that we need a break from time to time. That is solely to renew our energies for the coming week or month and to find new things to "Mutter..." shut the door, help the poor, do your work, don't you smirk!, take your turn, cool a burn, eat your vegies, pull out wedgies, feed the dogs, don't be a hog. Just reading this is exhausting.
I think above all, it's those things that we say that influence our children most. Let's hope we say the most positive things possible. And include in there, the simple facts that we love our children.
Always share, show you care. I love you, love me too. You're the best, I love my nest. Thanks for the love, you're sent from above. Make two wishes, blow me kisses! Thanks for the time, I'm glad you're mine!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's been a while since I've posted on this site. Just to let you all know I'm still breathing...I'll do a few updates and try to stay on top of it...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Action creates clarity!

I've been reading this wonderful book called, "Fl!p," by Peter Sheahan. His business perspective is perfect for anybody in any part of life. So often we postpone tomorrow what we could most definitley do today. Not those mundane tasks of cleaning house and doing laundry and the like, rather, those things that we dream of doing. The "things," that so often we know we've been inspired to do, but, just don't. Why? Because fear gets the best of us. We clip our wings before we've even tried to fly. Peter mentions: "At some point you have to stop thinking, stop planning, and just do something, anything!" His perspective that those who act in spite of their fear, are the one's that come out on top. And that action, is what creates the clarity of where we need to go from there. It is so true. So, without saying it again, but saying it anyway...Let's act in spite of our fears, fly with passion and help ourselves realize our true dreams...what we we're meant to be and do. That, and only that will catapult us to true happiness. Afterall, we've been given gifts and talents that most of us have yet to realize.
Love ya, Justme

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

computer mishaps

I have been going through withdrawls because I'm without a computer. I've gone to the library twice and now I'm on Wayne's computer that has an outdated cord with a short in it. I'm typing ever so carefully so as not to disturb the cord.
I will say that I truly miss conversing with my friends. Being isolated in this universe without my computer really stinks. Hope my computer is fixed soon. I feel so out of the loop it isn't funny.
love ya, justme

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I had so much fun at the girls night out. I must say that by the time we decided to get together, I was exhausted from the day. I would like to do a day trip next time. Although that may prove to be slightly difficult, what, with all the kids in school. It's great to be rested before hanging with the girls.
I haven't laughed so hard for a very long time. By the way, my teens are not attending school dances. Not now. After what I heard, I think I'll encourage sports or church dances instead.
love ya, justme
p.s. It may be a while before I computer at home right now.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chocolate...the pure love of friendship

Chocolate, creamy ice-cream, sunny days, happy days, good-hair days, good night sleep and fabulous friends! All things we can never have enough of. Speaking to the girls out there, yes, I know that love, kindness and charity are on this list, but those are part of the package. Especially with good friends and chocolate. Because, a good friend brings chocolate (kindness) , right! And that gift of chocolate makes us feel all warm and fuzzy(love) inside. And the friend who received the chocolate, would, of course want to share (charity). So, without saying, but saying it anyway, good friends and chocolate are synonymous. So, to all my wonderful friends, thanks girls!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Good Ol' Days...

I love black and white photos. They have such a nostalgic presence. I love these pictures from the girls, they were taken years ago and still tug at my heart. I'm so gonna miss these times with my "little," children. Why, oh why do they have to grow up, I make me feel old! It is true what I've always said..."Kids keep you young," simply because they teach us to relish in the small and simple joys of life. After all, if a person can find joy in the cardboard box their Christmas toys came in, I do believe we should pay attention to their outlook on life.
These pictures where taken when the girls felt the urge to climb a tree and did it. How simple.

I remember those years of tree climbing, branch swinging, tree-house making (of sorts). Of my most favorite memories, it would have to be of great-grandma Bone. Being in her presence was similar to being in the presence of an angel. Her silver-white hair was silky and soft. She was always adorned in an apron with faint floral prints of yellow and blue. And her hugs were equally as sweet as the ice-cream she'd dish up from the deep freeze in her kitchen. Her remedy to life's problems was, work!

I loved the swimming hole behind her house, and the sweet, simplicity of her home. For some reason, when I think of her I want to cry...Oh my gosh, I am crying. I often wonder why the memories of her, tug at my heart so. We would visit now and again when I was a child, but never frequent enough for me. She's since passed,(when I was twelve) but I still feel her presence, especially when I reminisce and contemplate things of life and most often when I write.
Love ya, justmom

Thursday, January 1, 2009

If you can...

It's all mine...2009! Yeah, babey!!! I'm having writers block so, I really have nothing more to say. Sorry! Have a good one. Naaaaaaaaaaaah! Just kidding. I've been doing dishes so long at the sink that my fingers look similar to day-old french fries. Eww! I just want everyone to know in regards to your goals for this year, that...
If you can think was inspiration,
If you can create was a gift,
If you use that gift of inspiration to it's fullest measure, you've just found your very own personal talent. Use it!
Love ya, justme
Happy New Year!