Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The chain of the Season...don't break it!

It's here! Christmas Eve! I am so excited. Mostly because of the high energy of my daughter, Sweden. She's six. While she is excited, sometimes the excitment gives way to her sweet concerns for Santa. Like, "if the fire is going in the fireplace, won't Santa get burned." I told her, "Oh, no sweetheart, he comes down so fast, the fire blows out." She also asked, "If Santa is always watching us, does he see us go the bathroom?" I told her he only sees you if your being "naughty," or "really nice," and never when were doing private things. She received a Santa letter in the mail last week. It reminded her to be nice and to tell her friend David Self to do the same. She gasped when she realized that he knew David too. She immediatley wrote him a letter, not to thank him or tell him she's been good, she simply reminded him that she wants him to hide our presents in the tree, not under, in! (kids just know how to get right to the point.)We'll see if he remembers to do that along with everything else on her, I mean his list of "to do's."
Here are my favorite things of the season..........
Family! Still here or passed on. I love being with those I love. I don't know, I just get all warm and fuzzy inside when they're around.
Happy, contemplative Christmas music! I love to remember years gone by, these songs really remind me of some good ol' times in my life. Sometimes I get teary-eyed, other times I laugh hysterically.
Cold days and nights! Because we cuddle, of course!
A place to call home! For years I struggled with the fact that my father was homeless somewhere. My heart is softened for those that have no home or family. I grateful for our sweet, little, home and our family.
Fun socks! Yes, fun socks. I love fun, colorful socks, whatever the season.
Cozy sweaters! They speak for themselves.
Friends, treats, my fireplace, my beliefs. Yes, the list goes on. But, it wouldn't be complete without my most favorite of all, my Savior. I am so eternally happy that I didn't come to this earth and forget what He's done for me. I often wonder how thick that veil is for some people. I must say that my emotions run deep and on the surface when I think of His unconditional love for me. Even when I don't call "home," enough. Even when my "visits," are farther and fewer between. Even when I'm kurt with my kids or not so loving to my husband or when my own convictions fall short. He's ever there.
Good thing I'm part of His family. You know how it is with family, they're yours no matter what. Regardless of circumstances, obstacles and trials, you are linked in a (hopefully), unending chain. This is one chain I don't intend to break. Happy Birthday to my Savior! I think I'll make him a cake today.
Love ya, Just Me!

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