Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One sock...two sock!

After the tumultuous efforts of getting ready for the family picture, it's done! We dressed, we smiled, we posed, camera flashed...done! If it were really all that easy, it wouldn't be so exhausting. The family photo was first. It all it's glory, it was here. The moment, the Mother of this family has been waiting for. She's envisioned this day for the last five years. Yes, five! That was approximatley the last time a family photo was attempted with her fabulous little bunch.

The colors were coordinated, (taking roughly 4 hours...of shopping). She dutifully made sure each member of her family had washed their clothing (washing machine going for 3 hours prior to the wonderful event). She was careful (or tried to be) to make sure there were no unecessary arguments or contention (curtailed 2 arguments with husband, 2 with sons) so as not to carry those expressions or feelings into the studio. Keeping her composure all the while.
As she exited her sweet little home with her family, her kind son Zachary generously handed out pieces of chewing gum to his brothers. How sweet was that!
Now keep in mind, as all good mothers, this Mom went through her traditional mental list, used any time there is to be a public appearance. Hair combed. Check! Teeth brushed. Check! Clean faces. Check! Clothes ironed. Check! Coordinating outfits. Double check! Husband, sons, daughters, in the van. Check! There was one minor little detail, (which she thought of, but figured there was no need to worry). In her busy preparation of getting her family ready for the photo, she had no time left to find matching socks of her own. This being left out of the conversation with the photographer, she proceeded to put on mismatched socks. No biggy. It's not like I'm taking off my shoes or anything (since the photographer, her lovely friend Carrie didn't mention it). After all, she was wearing her cowgirl boots, which would look great on camera.
Upon their arrival, they were welcomed with warmth and anticipation of their first modeling debut. Everyone was excited, Mom particularly so. As they awaited the instruction of the crew, the photographer finally mentions one last little detail. "I forgot to mention, everyone needs to remove their shoes." The Mother thinking...are you serious? This Mommy watches and hopes each of her kids have at least put on clean socks, forget matching!
Wow! What a surprise as she sees, everyone has on clean socks. The girls had painted toenails so, no worries there. Last but not least she takes off her boots to reveal her mismatched socks. With a chuckle, her friend offers a clean pair of white booties, which she gratefully accepts.
Okay, so if were done with some slightly embarrsing moments, let's move on.

Family first! Yes, an expression appropriately termed for this event. Carrie the photographer (beautiful as she is creative), positioned our lovely brood on the background platform. As a few practice shots were snapped, the generosity of Zachary began to show it's true form. "Are you chewing gum?" asks Carrie. She proceeded to snap, then remind them to stop chewing. Snap, then remind again. Snap...then reprimand. For a minute, I was ready to SNAP!
The boys finally stopped chomping.

Well, if it wasn't one of the boys chomping on gum, it was one of the girls not looking at the camera... or my hair constantly in my face which was dubbed as the "nemisis," of this perfectionist of a photographer. They even went so far as to lift our spirits by saying we were one of the, and I quote, "Best looking families that they had photographed." With a comment like that, we couldn't help but laugh hysterically. We also began to question the mental capacity of Jim (the husband of Carrie and the other photographer, who's blood sugar had obviously dropped due to hunger) who had made the comment. Funny guy, hugh!
Well, all the joking aside. We finished the family photograph and I'm sure they know how to superimpose the good parts of one photo to another.
Next was the couple photo. Ah, yes. Well, when we were asked to look at eachother. We both asked, (which I'm sure they didn't hear) "Without laughing?" We sat and we sat. I noticed that Wayne was getting a bit uncomfortable, a question that Carrie took no time to ask. I don't know why, he was only wearing my beaver skinned, black cowboy hat. Only one whole 1/2" smaller than his own. This wouldn't make too much of a difference if it were clothing, but a beaver skinned hat is quite uncomfortable if you have to force it on, and not to mention, it's hot! It doesn't breath. Neither did the shirt he was wearing. By the time they asked us to dance, he was hot, uncomfortable and a bit timid.
Finally the kids. The girls had fun. Sweden was calling the shots and Carrie was taking them. Sierra doesn't believe she has a fabulous smile...with teeth. But, she's clearly a beauty. Brandon, well, Brandon, sometimes looks like he wants to hurt someone. Did I mention that the glare from the lights make him scowl and oh yes, he wasn't wearing his glasses. He's really a sweetheart. (I thought that all that practice in front of the mirror would of paid off tonight, go figure!) Zach and Sage just followed her lead. I tried to give them a focus by asking Ashlynn to stand behind the camera as a focal point. Thinking this would make them blush or smile.
Now that it's over, I've learned a few pointers.
No gum! Be happy! Let kids be kids! Listen to music that helps you get your groove on! Oh yes, wear matching socks!
Love ya, JustMemorable

Monday, December 29, 2008

Say Cheese!

It occured to me today, that the one reason we have not had a professional family picture done in...years, is because of the scheduling issue. Different lives, jobs, activities, schedules and so on and so on and so on. It is a defeating feat trying to gather all of your loved ones together on one particular day and time, so we can all stand there, get our bad moods on camera and pretend we still like eachother. Have you ever seen "Everybody loves Raymond," the episode where they capture the "real," family experience? Yeah, (with the in-laws or out-laws (so to speak)) that's us. Thank goodness this isn't a reunion.
Oh, good heavens one even has to make sure they don't eat too much in the days prior to this blessed event, so as not to capture every single additonal "holiday," pound.
I must say that in addition to all of these hurdles to overcome, is the ever so wonderful color coordination or lack thereof for our family. In the process of trying to schedule everyone for this event I've heard every excuse or complaint, from, "It doesn't fit," "I'm wearing it anyway," to "I'm not taking pictures with you guys."

Forget trying to purchase matching or at least coordinating clothing, it's too expensive. That's probably why last time, we each wore white t-shirts and blue jeans. I love easy!

The best part about this family portrait (that hasn't even taken place yet) is the photographers.
I'm sure that with our patchwork-of-a-quilt attire they will use their creative genious to edit, fade, zoom out or whatever, to make us look fabulous. In this I have perfect faith.

I have even more faith that we'll all look really great together and that the queen of the family, er go...me! Will look 12 years younger, 5 kids thinner and 1 wonderful family portrait-Happier!
Love ya, JustMeJustMom

Friday, December 26, 2008

Dog Diggidy!

I love dogs! Regardless of my allergic tendencies to animals (all kinds), I love dogs. I have a special fondness of this particular picture. Doesn't it just capture all the true, blue spirit of a dog. They seem to find joy in the simplest of places. One lick, one sniff, one roll in the snow, and it's the best day, "ever." If we as humans could just appreciate the small things (please forego the lick or the sniff!) we would be so, oh, so much happier. We can learn a lot from these courageous animals. They're loyal to a fault, adventurous, spirited, & happy. They're the happiest when we use that silly tone and that stroke of the tummy (theirs not ours). So, let us take a lesson from our silly, perfect big and little pooches. Be that loyal pal to your friends and family. Take a moment to be adventurous and oh, I don't know...wear that bright blue eyeshadow you've had in the makeup drawer for years. Let the kid inside you run wild and show your true spirit and last but not least...Be Happy for once!
Ruv Ra, Rust Re (Love ya, justme)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The chain of the Season...don't break it!

It's here! Christmas Eve! I am so excited. Mostly because of the high energy of my daughter, Sweden. She's six. While she is excited, sometimes the excitment gives way to her sweet concerns for Santa. Like, "if the fire is going in the fireplace, won't Santa get burned." I told her, "Oh, no sweetheart, he comes down so fast, the fire blows out." She also asked, "If Santa is always watching us, does he see us go the bathroom?" I told her he only sees you if your being "naughty," or "really nice," and never when were doing private things. She received a Santa letter in the mail last week. It reminded her to be nice and to tell her friend David Self to do the same. She gasped when she realized that he knew David too. She immediatley wrote him a letter, not to thank him or tell him she's been good, she simply reminded him that she wants him to hide our presents in the tree, not under, in! (kids just know how to get right to the point.)We'll see if he remembers to do that along with everything else on her, I mean his list of "to do's."
Here are my favorite things of the season..........
Family! Still here or passed on. I love being with those I love. I don't know, I just get all warm and fuzzy inside when they're around.
Happy, contemplative Christmas music! I love to remember years gone by, these songs really remind me of some good ol' times in my life. Sometimes I get teary-eyed, other times I laugh hysterically.
Cold days and nights! Because we cuddle, of course!
A place to call home! For years I struggled with the fact that my father was homeless somewhere. My heart is softened for those that have no home or family. I grateful for our sweet, little, home and our family.
Fun socks! Yes, fun socks. I love fun, colorful socks, whatever the season.
Cozy sweaters! They speak for themselves.
Friends, treats, my fireplace, my beliefs. Yes, the list goes on. But, it wouldn't be complete without my most favorite of all, my Savior. I am so eternally happy that I didn't come to this earth and forget what He's done for me. I often wonder how thick that veil is for some people. I must say that my emotions run deep and on the surface when I think of His unconditional love for me. Even when I don't call "home," enough. Even when my "visits," are farther and fewer between. Even when I'm kurt with my kids or not so loving to my husband or when my own convictions fall short. He's ever there.
Good thing I'm part of His family. You know how it is with family, they're yours no matter what. Regardless of circumstances, obstacles and trials, you are linked in a (hopefully), unending chain. This is one chain I don't intend to break. Happy Birthday to my Savior! I think I'll make him a cake today.
Love ya, Just Me!

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's snowin baby!

Oh, be good for goodness sake! I like to think that these gorgeous snow flakes are a gift for all the extra good we did with the election (well, a portion of it). I love the snow. Yes, it is true my ability for snow angels only seems to get better with the extra padding in my fanny. But, that's the wonder of winter, isn't it? We hibernate, we feast and we all get a little extra in those "oh so lovely places." Simply, so we can have an angelic imprint for all to see. While my snow angel isn't pictured on this site, some of the other photos I took are. We had such a blast this past week. Snowball fights, snow angels, ice skating in sneakers, tongue tickling snow tasting feast and so much more. Hope it snows again before Christmas. Love ya, Just Me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Take Joy...It's there for the taking!

I had an "Aha," moment this week. You know the kind. Light bulb goes on, you figure something out...something profound, to you anyway. It helps to push you a little further, get you a little closer to that ever so evasive place you know you want to be, but somehow never seem to arrive. That seems to be my life, I'm always on the road, literally and figuratively. I can see who I want to be, I'm part way there...got the body, although that too seems to be a road less traveled these days. However, I have ambitions, not yet accomplished in this life. Things I love, that make me, me! I had the thought driving home one day, of all the trials my friends and family are facing and dealing with. And of those trials, the one that stuck out in my mind was, that of overcoming self. To master the all-evasive individual that at times we make ourselves become. If we can master ourselves, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in this life. What a great advantage we will have in the life to come. God has so much more in store for us. This is certainly a test, rather an experiment in our abilities to see which grade we'll get and which class to place us in next. I often think of my cousin, Nicole. She's fabulous and forty like me. But, she's battled more than 13 years with cancer. I often think of what has been her incentive to keep going. She's had tumor after tumor, surgery after surgery, endless chemo, blistering radiation therapy and even a liver transplant from a portion of her brother's liver. Yet, she still remains hopeful. Why? Because she believes. Moreover, she knows. She knows "what," she's in the fight for. The "What," is the key. What is it that keeps us going. Why, at times do we want to throw in the towel, and what keeps us from doing it.
I must say, that it was fabulous to actually be in sacrament today. There I was... watching Brandon bless the sacrament and suddenly I was overcome with joy. There I was, on the pew (the small one), with my family of six, squished together, practically on eachother's lap, elbows poking and yet, I felt great joy. There I was, listening to a song of my Savior and his birth and sacrifice and oh...the joy I felt. Here I am, so grateful for the small things, and oh the joy I feel. Family! They bring me so much joy. That is my, "What." My family, they are why I am in this plight and together not separate we will win the fight! Take JOY in those moments of simple family life, however so crazy or mundane. Take JOY...it's the one thing in this life we are promised.