Monday, October 13, 2008


I must say that among all the fabulous things in this world...Sisters are right up there on the top, next to Moms and Friends. They fall right in between the two, only because a sister fills so many roles. One day your on top, feeling great to give advice...the next, well, your not. Your sister comes and takes over and you trade off from time to time. A silly sort of "time" share isn't it. But, nevertheless it works. We can feel for eachothers shortfalls and trials. We also relish like there is no tomorrow when someone triumphs over the foe or foes, for that matter. I spoke with my Sista, Cindy yesterday and it's so funny that no matter how tragic life may seem for me, as soon as I talk to Cindy I think, "life's no so bad!"
I'm not sure if it was the mention of her son and a bbgun and some kid getting hurt or the topic of a wrong way driver with no license that may or may not of been her kin. I don't know. What I do know is, that atleast we can laugh about it. Hysterically! Or ask what the Heck were you thinking?
The most important thing is to have family & friends to support us. So I say, throw that instruction manual for family you have out, forget the perfect image of what a family is and just deal with the fact that you have, however crazy, a family!
Some of you Mommies out there may be even crying about this fact. But, just relish in the fact that you are most definitely not alone. And when life gets dirty and you get down. Get down and dirty, say your choice of bleep words (ya know, like...shoot or crap (Ha! Ha!) or thoughts and just remember...the chocolate is in the cupboard above the fridge.
love ya, justmemorable

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