Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas fun fun!!!

My most favorite memories of Christmas aren't just on that day, but of the family memories of all the projects leading up to Christmas Eve.  I love the time spent on the floor quilting with my girls, painting with my boys, or watching the creative mind at work as my girls place each bead gently on the wire as they make gifts for their friends and unsuspecting family members.  The giggles, the sighs, the look of contentment once a finished project is realized in all its glory.  Aaaah!  It's those cozy nights of licking the colored frosting off the spoon, smelling the sweet cocoa scent of chocolate chips from the oven, and just being together.  That is what I love about these moments in life...and Christmas best of all.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Already???

Can you believe it's here again so soon? That day of day's, much anticipated and prepared for... will soon be here and gone. I often think of ways in which I can keep that nostalgic feeling in my home. You know the one. Family, home, warmth, togetherness, laughter and all the good feelings of love and cherished memories. We decided this year would be different. Of course, all the aforementioned characteristics, but less of the green from my husbands back pocket. Besides the fact that we, like many of our friends are stone broke and have used our share of plastic over paper in years past. We have opted for homemade gifts for one another. Yes, a leap...of faith, frugality and fortitude. However, it looks to be one of those Christmases we'll not soon forget. I'll keep you posted on my portion of the gift making for my children. As for the rest of my family, depending on who drew whose name, will determine the length and width of their creativity or lack thereof. Who knows, maybe my kids will surprise me with their hidden gift making abilities. After all...if you can believe it and conceive can achieve it! Righteyoh!