Sunday, May 17, 2009

Riding the wave...

Is it not funny how we often create that single set of circumstances that set in motion the outcome of which we complain, worry over and stress. We would do well to remember the benefits of "riding the wave." You know those times you walk on the shore, too afraid to get your feet wet...whatever the reason. We finally make the plunge into unknown waters. We're comforted by the fact that the lifeguard is visible to us, and there are others also in the water, who might aid us in the unfortunate event we lose our strength or travel too far from shore. We relish in the fun of the water, splashing, swimming and dodging those abundant foamy waves.

Every now and again we get thrown back with the surge of a wave and have to re-establish our stroke. We're doing well now and we have a system down. We feel confident in our abilities to handle what the "ocean" dishes out and occasionally we take a peek towards the shore. In the rush of the moment, we don't realize that we've traveled so far from shore, so far off course that we've put ourselves in grave danger...

We ask ourselves how is it possible to get back to shore, to safety... We pray. We try not to panic. Then we notice there is a wave, we swim towards it, hoping it will carry us closer to the safety of the shore. We catch one, however small, and drift a bit closer. Another, larger comes and ever closer we swim... With all our mights we use everything we have to swim closer to that safety that is the shore. We think, how is it that I drifted so far? We forget about the current, more treacherous than the wave and with an almost invisible strength, we never see it coming until it's too late.

We often create the circumstances that lead us to that inevitable prayer for help. That the Lord will save us from ourselves and our poor choices. But, do we listen? When He sends us that wave, do we say, it's too small and forgo the opportunity to get back?

Ride the wave, let it carry you safety!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yes, it's the weekend of all weekends...Mother's Day Weekend! Whoohoo! Of all things in this life I love more than anything, is being a Mother. It seems as a mother I tend to mutter things here and there. My day is filled with those choice things that flow from my mouth. Here is a small collection of those things I've "Muttered," over the years and through the weeks, month, & moments of life. Darling children...start the day, put it away, don't pick your nose, clean our your toes, wipe your face, find a place, set the table, do it if your able, pay your tithes, don't play with knives, go to bed if you tire, put out the fire, always play nice, please don't get lice. In all of these things the "Muttering," never seems to end. Is it any wonder that we need a break from time to time. That is solely to renew our energies for the coming week or month and to find new things to "Mutter..." shut the door, help the poor, do your work, don't you smirk!, take your turn, cool a burn, eat your vegies, pull out wedgies, feed the dogs, don't be a hog. Just reading this is exhausting.
I think above all, it's those things that we say that influence our children most. Let's hope we say the most positive things possible. And include in there, the simple facts that we love our children.
Always share, show you care. I love you, love me too. You're the best, I love my nest. Thanks for the love, you're sent from above. Make two wishes, blow me kisses! Thanks for the time, I'm glad you're mine!